Sunday, April 29, 2012

Comic Relief from One I LOVE Dearly

Just in case you haven’t been told, point exists in parenting that fear takes hold.  For me, it’s right before the arrival of a child.  OKAY.  I am currently TERRIFFIED.  SCARED.  NERVOUS.  ANXIOUS.  I keep hearing this is to be expected considering I am traveling alone with 3 small children to Ethiopia to take placement of 3 more children and staying for 35 days.  SO I am ever so grateful when relief enters the scene. 

Tonight, my mom and her new husband (GREAT guy.  Great!) recorded a message for our trio.  I could be super-spiritual and tell you I was clinging to the foot of the cross for each breath (I am), but I’d be remiss not to tell you the laughs my mom and Ran-G provided.  (OKAY, Ninaw provided the laughs.  Randy played recovery.)  Enjoy the video that’s worth a 1000 words.

Since when does volume and speed translate foreign language?


  1. Oh my word - I LOVE this!! Love all the signing going on and especially love the tags hanging off the bracelets. I miss your sweet family. Thinking of and praying for you my friend. xxxxx

  2. That is so sweet and precious and priceless. Have a great trip! You are going 'home' and you have sweet people who love you in ET. It is all going to be okay!! I know it will. We will be praying!
